Confidential, Qualified Leads in the Hidden Job Market Accelerate Search Results
Debra Feldman is one-of-a-kind among global career marketing, job search coaching, and outplacement professionals. Since 2000, Debra has discreetly assisted over 1500 senior executives in identifying and transitioning into career opportunities that match their needs, interests, and values. Unlike recruiters loyal to employers, not candidates, JobWhiz enables expert leaders to switch industries, assume different responsibilities, re-enter the market, choose locations, and build teams. She empowers executives with control over their next career move.
Debra provides all JobWhiz services; she does not delegate to junior staff. She discreetly helps clients connect with the right contacts who open doors and facilitate conversations. Clients avoid the sting of high-stakes cold calling and the embarrassment of selling themselves. She promotes trusting connections with decision-makers, hiring authorities, thought leaders, financiers, and others who are aware of circumstances that impact corporate structures and staffing requirements.
Companies do not advertise about 80% of job opportunities. Employers will create positions to hire one specific individual. These roles are not vacancies on the org chart. Only the hiring manager's inner circle is privy to this information. How does an ambitious senior executive get tagged for one of these positions? Contact Debra Feldman, JobWhiz, to explore the hidden job market.
Debra is more than a "Reverse Recruiter." She devises customized, successful job search blueprints for a swift, smooth landing. There's lifetime ROI for JobWhiz clients: networking relationships with respected, well-connected individuals who actively sponsor exceptional talent and build careers.
JobWhiz Strategic Executive Job Search Highlights
Identifies client's immediate and long-term career goals, including criteria for personal and professional satisfaction
Assesses and sizes potential threats to career progress clears roadblocks, and describes ways to eliminate or mitigate obstacles interfering with success
Designs go-to-market networking-based strategy to maximize client's market value and expand access to hidden, unadvertised jobs matching client's specifications
Expands client's Network Purposefully™ to access unadvertised, hidden jobs
Provides support that may include scheduling, correspondence, document editing, etc.
Instruction/coaching- job search, networking, candidate etiquette, negotiation, social media
Sophisticated research finds and verifies target companies and high-quality contacts
Creates a gameplan to enhance visibility and increase accessibility to hiring decision-makers and other key contacts by strengthening presence on multiple channels and formats